We were not meant to live life alone. We were not meant to walk our faith journey alone. Our church family has learned that it’s better to walk together. Here at Trinity we invite you to be part of our family and grow, learn, serve, and witness Christ’s love with us. We provide many opportunities to grow spiritually, whether it be through weekly Bible readings, Sunday education hour opportunities, or prayer chain emails. Don’t walk alone; walk with us.

Grow Spiritually
Become A Member
Want to join our family? Great! We just need a little bit of information from you. After that, a member of our awesome ministry team will contact you. Congrats! You’ve now finished the first step of an awesome new journey.
Find A Service
8am Traditional & 10:30am Contemporary Service
Holy Communion is celebrated every service.
Casual and traditional dress are appropriate.
A nursery is available in the Fellowship Hall for children under the age of three.
2pm Hispanic Service (en Espanol)
This is a traditional service led by Rev. Tomas Angon and is conducted in Spanish.
Este es un servicio tradicional dirigido por el Rev. Tomas Angon y se realiza en español.
6:30pm Relaxed Traditional Service
This is a more traditional styled service held in the Sanctuary. The Order of Service is a rotation of one of the four different Divine Services and includes traditional hymns.
Holy Communion is celebrated every service.
Dress is relaxed and casual.
Bible Study
9:20 Adult Bible Study
Sunday School: For all children age 3 & potty trained through grade 4. Student drop-off in the Sanctuary at 9:20 a.m. Parents, pick up in the classroom at 10:15 a.m.
Arms of Jesus – Rm 206 Parents with children under age 3
Preschool – Rm 200
Kindergarten – Rm 205
1st Grade – Rm 203
2nd Grade – Rm 204
3rd & 4th Grade – Rm 201
5th Grade – Rm 104
6th Grade – Rm 102
7th Grade – Rm 103
8th Grade – Rm 101
High School Bible Study 9th – 12th Grade – Youth Room
Songs of the Season – December 11th at 7:00pm. Allow your children be blessed to you as they tell of our Savior’s birth!
Adult Bible Class: Every Sunday at 9:20am: November 17th – December 15th
Compass Presentation – Fellowship Hall, November 24th only
1st Corinthians – Fellowship Hall East, December 1st – 15th
Reel to Reel: Of Fish & Men – Cafeteria B, November 24th – December 15th
Born Again by Water and the Word – Library, November 24th – December 15th
Sunday School
9:20am Sunday School
Sunday School is open to all children 3 years old (and potty trained) through 4th grade.
5th through 8th grade have individual Confirmation classes.
Hispanic Mission
Hispanic Mission
This service is conducted in Spanish by Rev. Juan Garcia or Rev. Tomas Angon
Special Worship
Special Worship
Lenten Worship: Wednesdays at 8:15am & 7pm
Holy Week:
- Maundy Thursday: 2 & 7pm
- Good Friday: 2 & 7pm
- Easter Vigil: 6:30pm
- Easter Sunday: 6:30, 9, & 10:30am

Our Story
Trinity was founded in Crown Point, Indiana in 1868 (Trinity is as old as Crown Point – founded 150 years ago).
We proclaim the good news to all that Jesus Christ has paid the penalty of our sins and is our Redeemer and Savior. Trinity Lutheran Church and School is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
Mission: A family growing together, learning God’s Word, serving our neighbor to witness Christ’s love.
Our Vision: to invite the community to share in the Good News of Jesus Christ. As each person grows in faith, we believe that they are enabled to joyfully use God-given gifts for loving service to our neighbors both locally and globally.
Our Church Staff

Rev. Hal Toenjes

[email protected]
(219) 663-1578 Ext. 313

Todd Pflughoeft

[email protected]
(219) 663-1578 Ext. 306

[email protected]
(219) 663-1578 Ext. 301

[email protected]
(219) 663-1578 Ext. 307
Cynthia Fitzsimons

[email protected]
(219) 663-1578 Ext. 309
Karol Ketcher

[email protected]
(219) 663-1578 Ext. 312