The Men’s Bible Study meets Thursday mornings from 6:30-7:30 at Schoop’s in Crown Point to enjoy breakfast and fellowship as they grow in faith together. Every fall there is new book and topic of study. If interested, or for more information, please email Rev Cory Wielert at [email protected].

Men's Ministries
Women's Ministries
The Women’s Bible Study is for women of all ages and meets Tuesday mornings during the school year from 9:00-10:30am in Cafeteria B at Trinity. They study a variety of topics pertaining to walking in faith while enjoying the company and encouragement of other women. Each year there is a new book and area of study. Child care is provided. If interested, or for more information, please email Leslie Gardiner at [email protected]
MOPS meets twice a month on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:30am in the Fellowship Hall from September through April. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is a supportive, encouraging, and fun group for women who have children in Kindergarten or younger and want to connect with other moms while also growing in their faith. If interested, or for more information, please email Elisabeth Garner or Jene Lintz at [email protected]
Quilters of Lutheran World Relief (LWR) is a group who create simple and serviceable quilts for LWR
Moms In Prayer

Kid's Minstries
Our kid’s ministry consists of: Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Arms of Jesus, Art Camp, Journey, and Family Faith Formation group efforts. Any questions or just want to see what’s up and wanting to get involved, please email Lynn Yates at [email protected].
Click here to go to the Youth website to learn all about youth group at Trinity!
If you or your teen would like to get involved please email the Youth Board at [email protected].

Back to School BBQ
Chili Cook-Off and Dessert Auction
A Night of Abundant Blessings
Stewardship Events
Trinity Owls are “Older, wiser, Lutherans.” Our mission is to “support Trinity’s OWL community in their faith journey by demonstrating Christ’s love for them through programs that help meet their needs, celebrate their joys and honor their sorrows, and encourage them to bless other generations with their God-given gifts.”