Communion: Members in good standing with other LCMS congregations (or of those with whom the LCMS is in fellowship) are invited to participate in communion. Members of other Christian churches should speak with the pastor prior to communing here. Worshipers who are not communing are welcome to approach the communion rail for a blessing from the pastor, taking in hand one of the crosses provided at the head of the center aisle.
For those who are unable to receive wine for medical reasons, clear grape juice is available in the center of the individual cup tray. Note: Several other options are available that still allow you to receive the wine: take the chalice and allow the wine to just touch your lips, or dip the wafer in the chalice. We ask that lipstick be removed if you are receiving chalice.
We offer gluten free wafers for those who have special health needs. Wafers are in the small container also located in the center aisle. If you need the gluten free wafer, please pick it up as you go to communion. Hold the wafer until the elder is in front of you, so he can say, “The body of Christ given for you.” Then you may eat the wafer as you normally would.